It goes to a vote Wednesday. What will Phil do?? He has three options. He can join the Tea Party caucus of the Conservative party, where
we know his heart truly lies. He can oppose the motion and stay loyal to the Dear Leader. Or he can skip the vote together and risk incurring the wrath of whichever side loses (and appear a coward at the same time). This is going to be an exciting week, folks.
The image of Phil spanking other candidates is good. I hope he uses it in his campaign literature next election.
Anonymous, by contrast, you must be such a happy, happy genius that you keep utilizing your time so well by visiting this website to get caught up on all the Phil news! I agree that Phil spanking all other candidates would make for some really novel and envelope-pushing literature. Friends helping friends!
Here's a link to Abortion clinics and other related services in the Brantford area:
Well...he voted for it. Say what you want about our MP (and I have), he didn't take the coward's way out and showed up for the vote.
Phil is a true scumbag. He probably stumbled into the vote half drunk reeking of old cigars.
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