After being told that there would not be a dance by a reporter, Phil offered up great insights:
Brant MP Phil McColeman says the Conservative government's cabinet shuffle on Tuesday was not as extensive as he had predicted, but he is happy with the changes.
"I was expecting that there might be more, but obviously the prime minister wants to stay the course," McColeman said of the shuffle, which involved four Tories and an overall increase of two in the size of the cabinet to 38 ministers."
After the Cabinet'$ $ize had been increased by two, (the $econd largest in Canadian history); Phil wanted even more ministers. New Cabinet Ministers receive a hefty $75,516.00 bonus, on top of the $157,731.00 yearly salary of an MP. Phil being a great strategist must have concluded that if everyone was made a minister they would have to make him one. He could be Minister of Flag Protocol...