Posted By SUSAN GAMBLE, Brantford Expositor
June 19, 2009
It's easy to misstep when you're a rookie MP in Ottawa.
Just ask Phil McColeman, who is sporting the scars from an embarrassing run-in with a window ledge in Bytown.
The abrasions on his forehead and across his nose have left Phil looking as though he's had a run-in with a bear. Or bumped heads with a deer.
The truth is far more mundane, says the politician who was caught by the camera while presenting a giant cheque to Caralyn Smith, the winner of his public safety essay contest. Caralyn, of Ohsweken, wrote an "excellent submission" and won $500 for her efforts.
"I tripped in a restaurant," says Phil. "It was tight quarters and I stumbled over a chair, hit my nose on a ledge and because my glasses were on, they tore the skin. It looked way worse than it was."
Unfortunately, Phil was dining with Gary Lunn, minister of state for Sports.
"I just know now when the Olympic torch comes to Brantford they're not going to let me touch it."
Phil's face became the subject of ribbing in the house, too, when Transport Minister John Baird quipped, "That'll teach you to mess with me!"
"It's been totally embarrassing," says Phil mournfully.
"Just tell people I'm really fighting for my constituents in Ottawa!"
Sadly I see we have Mr . Magoo for an MP...
and no Phil is not fighting for his constituents. He has yet to mention land claims, Caledonia or any local issues involving Brant in Ottawa. How exactly does one stumble over a chair? I sincerely hope Mr. McColeman stumbled his way to a cab and did not drive that evening. Phil is definitely making Brantford proud (sarcasm). I agree with Phil, it would not be a wise idea to have the flame near him.
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