"You are what you eat..."
Pork BBQ on Parliament Hill
May 06, 2009 Attached is a photo taken today of Brant MP Phil McColeman, Larry Miller Chair of the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food, and Curtiss Littlejohn, of the Canadian Pork ProducersLetters to the Editor from the Brantford Expositor, from the past month:
Paper should focus on asking MP tough questions Posted 5 days ago
Recent concern by the Expositor about the selection of Lloyd St. Amand as the Liberal candidate for the riding of Brant is unfounded and misguided.
It is strongly recommended that, rather than focus on the opposition, perhaps the writer of the piece should be focusing on current representation of our riding.
It is very clear that more attention needs to be paid to the record of our current MP. In case there is some confusion, I've formulated some questions that the writer who questioned St. Amand's credibility could ask:
1) Why, when the taxpayers in the City of Brantford are spending millions of dollars dealing with land claims issues in court, hasn't Phil McColeman asked a single question about land claims in the House of Commons?
2) Why does Phil McColeman think that foreign affairs with Cuba are more important than issues in our riding?
3) When major announcements about land claims come from Six Nations, why does Phil McColeman not know anything about them? Isn't he "friends" with elected Chief Bill Montour?
4) Why is Phil McColeman opposed to Employment Insurance reform that would have offered immediate relief to hundreds of residents in the riding of Brant before the summer began?
5) Why does Phil McColeman support blatant political advertising that suggests that his government has achieved so little?
6) Instead of why they think they're doing such a great job, why doesn't the Conservative party spend government advertising money on saving or creating taxpayers' jobs?
7) Why does Phil McColeman support a party that has continually shown that it does not know what it is doing with the country's economy and finances?
It is my earnest hope and desire that the author of The Expositor editorial questioning St. Amand's candidacy finds the time to ask the questions that really matter to the citizens in the riding of Brant, and not waste our time by attacking the opposition.
Michael Skrzypek, president Brant Federal Liberal Association Brantford
Tough to answer where our MP stands on issuesPosted 7 days ago
Mr. Kastronovic, in his July 2 letter, shows that he did not read carefully the story about the flag. Our former MP, Lloyd St. Amand, conveyed concerns he had heard about the flag sent by Phil McColeman to households in Brant. This was supported by the fact that many of your readers submitted letters voicing a similar concern -- namely, that they found the inclusion of Mr. McColeman's website on the flag offensive. I do not believe the Canadian flag should be used for political propaganda.
The "contest" that Mr. McColeman took part in (with 30 other Conservative MPs) was obviously to identify supporters. I have not heard or read Mr. McColeman's stance on the current economic situation and solutions specific to Brant, how the record deficit of $50-plus billion is going to be retired, how employment insurance can be improved or how his government will attempt resolution of land claims. It is impossible for me to answer the question: "Do you think Phil McColeman is on the right track on the major issues of the day?" when I have no idea where he stands.
K. Babineau Mt. Pleasant