Loads of letters have been written into the Expositor regarding the water treatment plant since Phil McColeman made this "new" announcement. Phil McColeman, Member of Parliament for Brant on behalf of the Honourable Chuck Strahl, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development made the announcement that the residents of Oshweken will receive $10 million for a "new" water treatment plant. When I first read this, I was puzzled: This announcement had already been made in 2005 and the funds have also been available since 2005! So will there now be TWO new water treatment plants for residents of Oshweken, or will one plant cost $20 million?!
A basic Google search revealed that former Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, the Hon. Andy Scott had committed $10 million to Oshweken for a new water treatment plant, under the First Nations Water Management Strategy (FNWMS), this announcement is on the Ministry's website under 2005 news releases. Now, why did the government reannounce this funding three years later? The reason is that Stephen Harper became Prime Minister, then cancelled the historic Kelowna Accord and chose not to pursue this project. He probably figured that if the Six Nations had waited this long, they should wait until Brant elected a Conservative MP before getting any money. This is the same Prime Minister who also opposed a UN Resolution on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
A Conservative Indian Affairs Minister has not visited Brant since Stephen Harper became Prime Minister, all because of two words: land claims. Jim Prentice a former Minister of Indian Affairs, only visited Brant during the election and when he was no longer minister in charge of land claims. Why didn't Chuck Strahl make the water treatment plant announcement? Why did the PMO allow another patsy (Phil) to go up and make a reannouncement of something that had already been announced?
The answer will be revealed in the next round of campaign pamphlets full of more false claims by our shameless Member of Parliament. In Mr. Lloyd St. Amand's post-election interview he stated that he had worked hard to secure $10 million for a new water treatment plant in Ohsweken three years ago. He said it's unfortunate that the Harper government hasn't honoured that commitment.
In a letter addressed to Mr. McColeman published a few weeks ago, a letter writer hilariously comments,
Like Milli Vanilli, MP should not take credit
Phil McColeman: I was certainly happy to see some action from the Harper government on the water treatment plant for Six Nations residents, but this is too much. There was a letter in the newspaper about your "new" announcement, pointing out this commitment was originally made by the previous Liberal government.
Is this not shameless? I feel you owe the Hon. Andy Scott and Mr. Lloyd St. Amand apologies and should send out a news release soon. Are you familiar with the band Milli Vanilli? They were also dishonest and took credit for other people's work.
: )
NBC had this old saying to promote reruns during the summer: "If you haven't seen it, it's new to you"

"Phili Vanilli & Chucky S"
I'm thinking this whole web site is a prime example of Liberals running scared. And here I thought Liberals hated this negative personal attack method. HMMMM... what did the local Liberal do for us while I paid him $155,000???? I didn't see the Native actually get clean water, I didn't see the county get a new areana, I didn't see the Brant County Health unit get necessary funds... I Like Phil and I appreciate his excellent networking in Ottawa to get the job done
This is not a personal attack from my point of view, it is actually light-heartedand not mean-spirited like the two years of attack on Stephane Dion by Mr. McColeman's party. The Harper government did not give money to the worthy causes you mentioned because they did not want LLoyd to get credit for being able to get a dime from them. You can not pretend that Phil and his party did not make a game out of this whole water treatment plant issue!
In my Globe and Mail today: "Given the Tories's success in using negative ads to define Mr. Dion as an ineffective leader, Mr. Flanagan wonders how long it will be before Mr. Ignatieff gets the same treatment.
"I think they should be doing it soon," he said, referring to reports that the Tories have ads ready to go."
Globe and Mail Update
September 9, 2008 at 11:54 PM EDT
A pooping puffin distracted federal political leaders Tuesday from their policy pronouncements and forced Stephen Harper to make a rare apology to his main rival, Stéphane Dion.
Publicly, the Liberals expressed outrage over a Conservative internet attack ad that showed a little black and white puffin flying past Mr. Dion and defecating on his right shoulder.
The ad was posted on the Tory website Monday night. It was hastily pulled Tuesday morning after reporters started asking politicians about it, but it was regularly re-run on TV and posted on other websites.
Mr. Harper called the ad “tasteless and inappropriate” and said he didn't know about the web clip before it was posted Monday night; the Tories blamed an overly creative web designer.
Back in Brant, in the all-important battleground of southern Ontario, Phil says having Dion on the scene is "hugely significant."
Sun, October 12, 2008
If Conservatives don't win a majority, the blame will fall squarely on Harper and his inability to connect with ordinary, Timmies-drinking Canadians
UPDATED: 2008-10-12 01:58:30 MST
If he can get a voter at the door talking about leaders and he can show them a picture of the two main men, Phil says only the diehard of diehard Liberals indicate they are fans of Dion.
Only the diehards of rhe Reform Party indicate they are fans of Phil...
Phil is in Ottawa to work for us not network or collect business cards!
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