Sorry about the lack of postings, and treating you like one of Phil's constituents, but we were waiting for Phil McColeman to do something good for a change, good thing we did not hold our breath! Just to recap, Mr. McColeman continues to not reply to letters in the Brantford Expositor, I typed in Phil McColeman in the Brantford.com and came across this link , in this end of year interview, "improving his office’s services are on the top of Brant MP Phil McColemans to-do list for 2009." Maybe Mr. McColeman thought that being a Member of Parliament meant that you get a cool-looking letterhead, free stamps to mail Conservative propaganda that comes out of Canadian taxpayers pockets instead of mailing Employment Insurance paperwork to those who need it immediately... oh and he got a cool new office in an isolated area of Brantford. For constituents who do not own cars or want to minimize their carbon footprint and use public transportation, it will take them two buses, an increase in their carbon footprint and take up more of their time to reach his office. A better idea would be to have the constituency office downtown within a reasonable distance of the central bus terminal, I hope our next Member of Parliament will make this decision after the next election. His provincial counterpart, Mr. Dave Levac's office is a short walk from city hall and easily accessible.
Back to Mr. McColeman improving his office services, does this entail having better candy at the front desk or a bigger and better picture of Stephen Harper ??? Mr. McColeman is trying to pass on the blame for his out-of-touch style on his office staff, we know better! We need to remind him that his office is not produced by NBC studios but paid for by Canadian taxpayers, and he will not be rewarded with an Emmy but with the distinction of being a one-term Member of Parliament!
1 comment:
Phil is no Michael Scott, more like Michael Snot!!!
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